The results of the surgical treatment of clubfoot deformity in spina b
ifida by radical posteromedial-lateral release (PMLR) are presented. I
n all cases, the Cincinnati incision was used and the tendons excised,
including the anterior tibial tendon. In 21 feet, a special K-wire wa
s used to derotate the talus in the ankle mortise, The minimum follow-
up was 2 years. The average age at surgery was 14 months, The overall
results showed 63% good, 14% fair, and 23% poor results. In the 21 fee
t in which the talus K-wire was used, 76% had a good result, 14% fair,
and 10% poor. The results were also analyzed based on the motor level
. In the thoracic/high lumbar level. 50% had a poor result. In the low
lumbar and sacral level groups together, of 45 feet, five had a poor
result. This study shows that a radical PMLR can produce an overall go
od and fair result in 77% of the cases. The use of the K-wire to derot
ate the talus led to an improvement in the result. The tendon excision
leading to a flail foot corrects any residual muscle imbalance. The p
oor results seen in the thoracic/high lumbar patients are likely to be
related to the lack of weight bearing in view of their motor paralysi