One of the outcomes of judgmental administrative attitudes toward indi
genous praxis in colonial Papua New Guinea was a convention that an an
tagonistic relationship existed between European law and 'native custo
m'. By the end of the colonial period the defence of 'custom' had beco
me part of an anti-colonial polemic among indigenous intellectuals and
politicians. The Village Court system was established in this rhetori
cal climate. Its mission, reinforced in legislation, included the favo
uring of 'custom' in the dispensation of justice. Subsequent academic
and journalistic commentaries on the development of the Village Court
system have perpetuated a binary notion of the relationship between la
w and custom, whether portraying it as antagonistic or articulatory. T
his article focuses on a single case from a Port Moresby village court
, involving an accusation of attempted sorcery. The case raises questi
ons not only about the validity of the discursive law/custom dichotomy
but about the notion of custom itself in the context of the dispensat
ion of justice in contemporary Papua New Guinea. It is suggested that
in village court praxis, the notion of custom serves the exploitation
of village court officers as cheap labour in the justice system.