An automated column effluent sampling system for large unsaturated soi
l columns was constructed and evaluated The automated collection syste
m consist of a programmable three-solenoid valve system that maintains
a constant matric potential at the bottom of the soil column and peri
odically switches column effluent from a waste receptacle to a samplin
g vial. We compared the automated system to a traditional vacuum chamb
er-fraction collector system that continuously sampled all column effl
uent. Comparisons were made by measuring (H2O)-H-3 breakthrough curves
(BTCs) generated by the two collection systems using the same intact
soil columns. No significant differences were observed in (H2O)-H-3 BT
Cs between collection systems. These results indicate that the automat
ed collection system is effective for large column transport studies a
nd provides additional advantages by maintaining effluent resolution (
sample volume), yet reduces sample size (numbers) and labor required f
or sample collection.