Basal cell carcinomas may attain giant proportions due primarily to re
currence and neglect, Giant basal cell carcinomas (5 cm or more in dia
meter) are of four clinical subtypes: noduloulcerative, morpheaform, s
uperficial, and polypoid. We report a patient with a typical polypoid
lesion of fifteen years' duration on his shoulder. The polypoid varian
t differs from other giant basal cell carcinomas in several important
ways: the polypoid lesions appear on the torso or extremity, rather th
an the head or neck, as beefy-red, friable, exophytic masses for which
the patient typically has had no previous treatment; the histologic t
ype tends to be nonaggressive; and finally the lesions are amenable to
surgical cure with low metastatic potential.