A retrospective analysis was made of the nature and composition of 107
consecutive topics presented in publications by or in collaboration w
ith the national pharmacovigilance centre in The Netherlands, containi
ng data obtained through 'spontaneous reporting'. These tropics were p
ublished in various national and international professional journals o
r special bulletins or as 'dear doctor letters'. The topics constitute
d a wide variety of events and disorders. There was, however, a predom
inance of concrete, characteristic and often serious diseases, notably
specific hypersensitivity reactions (43%, e.g. anaphylaxis, blood dys
crasias and liver injury), toxic manifestations or syndromes (30%, esp
ecially involving the nervous system), and drug interactions (13%). Mo
st topics presented predominantly qualitative information. 62% of topi
cs concerned type B, 33% type A and 3% type C adverse drug effects. Th
e topics often referred to small numbers of case reports: 10 or less i
n 70% of the 107 topics. 46% of the topics concerned new information.
There was some predominance of established (56%) over new drugs. Five
pharmacotherapeutic groups accounted for 74% of topics. Of the 72 appr
oved drugs or drug groups, 12 (17%) have been removed from the market.
These findings increase our understanding of the functioning of pharm
acovigilance and may enable further improvement of the methods and str
ategies involved.