Objective: To collect extensively abnormal cytogenetic results in preg
nancies obtained after intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI). Design
: Case report. Setting: University Hospital of Nantes, France. Patient
(s): A couple with 5 years of primacy infertility and severe male fact
or undergoing ICSI procedure. Intervention(s): Ultrasound-guided trans
vaginal follicular aspiration, amniocentesis, and medical abortion. Ma
in Outcome Measure(s): Serum levels of E(2), beta-hCG, and fetal chrom
osomal karyotype. Result(s): Ultrasonic observation at 12 weeks reveal
ed an 8-mm thick cystic hygroma in the nuchal area. Because the karyot
ypic analysis was [46,XX,r(14)/45,XX,-14], medical abortion was perfor
med at 14 weeks, after the patients gave their informed consent. Concl
usion(s): According to the prevalence of this unusual chromosomal abno
rmality in humans, such abnormal cytogenetic results have to be collec
ted extensively to assess the feasibility of using ICSI procedure.