K. Emi et al., STUDY OF A DE DX MEASUREMENT AND THE GAS-GAIN SATURATION BY A PROTOTYPE DRIFT CHAMBER FOR THE BELLE-CDC/, Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment, 379(2), 1996, pp. 225-231
We studied the performance of a dE/dx measurement using an actual real
-size prototype of the Central Drift Chamber for the KEK B-Factory. Th
e observed dependences on the track incident angles showed a gas-gain
saturation effect due to the space-charge. This gas-gain saturation ca
used the chamber response to dE/dx of the incident particles to be wea
ker, We measured gas-gain saturation as a function of the line-charge
density on a sense wire made by an incident charged particle, and obse
rved that the line-charge density dominantly determined the gas-gain s