The relation between the construction of the trap for the Puffer fish
and the fishing mechanism that it has was investigated. The relative e
fficiency of the trap was calculated with both the data of the trap wi
dth and the catch of fish. The calculated selectivity of the trap was
compared with that estimated by the probability model for the Puffer t
rap fishery, taking into account the fish turning motion in a trap ent
rance. The obtained length selectivity for the puffer Lagocephalus whe
eleri approximately agreed with the theoretical values. The length sel
ectivity of the trap of the puffer Lagocephelus gloveri showed higher
values than the theoretical values. The selectivity of the trap calcul
ated on the probability model seemed to be influenced by the length of
the Puffer fish. We confirmed that the fishing mechanism of the trap
for the Puffer fish depends on the behaviour of the fish inside of the
trap entrance, but the behaviour of the fish seem not to be necessary