Perception has been linked to a highly coordinated activation of corti
cal regions whose functional organization and performance is subject t
o plastic changes. We tested whether chronic repetitive disturbances o
f the brain by focal epileptic activity have a long-standing detriment
al effect on the perceptual performance in the affected hemisphere. Ni
ne patients were examined who had a history of complex partial seizure
s but no structural cerebral damage on magnetic resonance imaging and
no evidence of ongoing epileptic activity on scalp electroencephalogra
phy and who had clinically been without seizures for at least 3 days.
The side of primary epileptic involvement was determined by seizure se
miology (n = 2), focal electroencephalographic slowing (n = 3) or foca
l abnormality during single photon emission topography (SPECT) (n = 4)
. The computer controlled psychometric assessment of the somesthetic f
requency discrimination revealed that the perception in the hand corre
sponding to the affected hemisphere was impaired relative to the contr
alateral hand (P < 0.01), and to the performance of a group of normal
controls (P < 0.01). We conclude that mechanisms related to focal epil
eptic activity can result in regional perceptual decrements even when
there is no clinical or surface-electroencephalographic evidence of ep
ileptic discharges. This in turn suggests that somatosensory testing m
ay be of help in localizing, or at least lateralizing an epileptic foc