Respiratory failure accounts for the majority of deaths in amyotrophic
lateral sclerosis (ALS) but only rarely is ALS diagnosed on the basis
of respiratory insufficiency. We report four ALS patients presenting
with acute respiratory failure. In three patients we have performed EM
G needle examination of both hemidiaphragms which showed severe denerv
ation. We reviewed 25 patients previously described presenting with re
spiratory failure. Almost all patients showed upper limbs weakness and
diaphragm involvement; few patients had bulbar dysfunction. The progn
osis of these patients is not always a permanent ventilator dependence
. Rapidly progressive ventilatory failure may be a striking initial si
gn of ALS; the main reason is a weakened diaphragm. There are possibil
ities of significant improvement after a period of rest with ventilato
ry assistance. In the initial phase of the disease, bulbar dysfunction
is not the more common reason of acute respiratory failure.