Over 16 years 60 girls underwent surgery for ovarian disease. A total
of 23 girls suffered from ovarian tumors, as was confirmed by surgery
and histological examination in 18 cases. In five girls ultrasound, CT
, and MRT examinations showed tumors, which later turned out to be ova
rian cysts; in two cases a tumor was found despite the preoperative di
agnosis of an ovarian cyst. A total of 15 patients underwent total res
ection of the ovary, two partial tumor resections and one exploratory
laparotomy. Histological findings: eight teratomas, three dysgerminoma
s, two endodermal sinus tumors, one cystadenoma, one the calutein cell
tumor, one Sertoli cell tumor, one germinal cell tumor, and one angio
fibroma. Five tumors were malignant. Surgery and histological examinat
ions are necessary to exclude ovarian tumors.