The purpose of this study was to assess the extent of involvement of t
he ras oncogene activation by point mutations in endometrial carcinoma
in the Greek population. The PCR technique was employed, followed by
RFLP analysis to identify the point mutations in codon 12 of the K-ras
, H-ras and N-ras genes. K-sas gene point mutations were detected in 8
of the 55 cases (15%) of primary endometrial carcinoma, H-ras in 4 (7
.3%), while no mutations were found for the N-ras gene. No correlation
was found between the presence of ras gene mutations and the clinicop
athological parameters, or patient survival. The only association foun
d was between H-ras mutations and the FIGO stage of the tumor (Fisher'
s exact test, p = 0.011). These results indicate a possible role of ra
s gene activation in a small subset of endometrial carcinomas.