Stress can produce immunosuppression leading to increased susceptibili
ty to infection, tumor growth or autoimmune disease. It has been recen
tly noted, however, that certain kinds of stress need not increase the
risk of immune pathology. The present study looked for immune patholo
gy in an anxiety-related disorder. Acute exacerbation of obsessive-com
pulsive disorder (OCD), an anxiety spectrum disorder, served as a mode
l for stress. Seven OCD subjects in acute exacerbation, and 9 healthy
age-matched control subjects participated in the study. T cell subsets
were determined at baseline in both OCD and control groups, and after
6 weeks on clomipramine in the OCD group. No statistically significan
t changes in lymphocyte subsets were found between the control and the
untreated patient groups. Likewise, no statistically significant chan
ges were found in patients before and after treatment. The negative fi
nding of the present study supports the view that stress need not comp
romise immunologic function. Various aspects of stress, which may turn
the immune system vulnerable, are discussed as well.