We took peritoneum specimens of 71 patients who either underwent a lap
aroscopic operation with or without pneumoperitoneum or a conventional
open surgical procedure to detect histopathological changes of the pe
ritoneum under clinical conditions. After staining the 71 specimens (H
E, Goldner, CD31) they were examined microscopically and the following
changes could be detected: nine out of 16 specimens which were taken
after laparoscopical procedures which lasted longer than 90 min showed
granulocyte infiltration into the vessel wall of the peritoneal vesse
ls or into the connective tissue. A relative increase of connective ti
ssue portion due to increased tissue pressure was found to be characte
ristic of laparoscopy with pneumoperitoneum. Bleeding into the tissue
caused by haemostasis was found in 70% of the specimens taken after la
paroscopy with pneumoperitoneum and only in one specimen taken after g
asless laparoscopy, and in one case after conventional surgery. We thi
nk that both the bleeding as well as granulocyte migration into the ve
ssel walls are a sign of the beginning of an inflammatory reaction cau
sed by a local circulatory disorder due to the increased intraabdomina
l pressure during laparoscopy with pneumoperitoneum.