The properties of orbits in spherically-symmetric systems oscillating
with Miller and Smith's ''second radial mode'' are examined, in partic
ular using spectra of stretching numbers (or spectra of short-time Lya
punov exponents, short time being of the order of the integration time
step). The spectra for regular orbits are symmetric, reflecting the sy
mmetry of the trajectory in phase space; those for chaotic orbits are
asymmetric. All the details of the spectra can be explained analytical
ly in the time-independent case. The spectra of ordered orbits in the
time-dependent case are similar. On the other hand, the spectra of cha
otic orbits are invariant with respect to initial conditions in the sa
me chaotic domain, while they are different for separated chaotic doma
ins. In this case the difference spectrum, which is the antisymmetric
part of the spectrum, is a sensitive tool for distinguishing orbits fr
om different chaotic regions, more so than the Lyapunov characteristic