We discuss the vacuum structure of phi(4)-theory in 1 + 1 dimensions q
uantised on the light-front x(+) = 0. To this end, one has to solve a
non-linear, operator-valued constraint equation. It expresses that mod
e of the field operator having longitudinal light-front momentum equal
to zero, as a function of all the other modes in the theory. We analy
se whether this zero mode can lead to a nonvanishing vacuum expectatio
n value of the field phi and thus to spontaneous symmetry breaking. In
perturbation theory, we get no symmetry breaking. If we solve the con
straint, however, non-perturbatively, within a mean-field type Fock an
satz, the situation changes: while the vacuum state itself remains tri
vial, we find a non-vanishing vacuum expectation value above a critica
l coupling. Exactly the same result is obtained within a light-front T
amm-Dancoff approximation, if the renormalisation is done in the corre
ct way.