Hb. Barber et al., PROGRESS IN DEVELOPING FOCAL-PLANE-MULTIPLEXER READOUT FOR LARGE CDZNTE ARRAYS FOR NUCLEAR-MEDICINE APPLICATIONS, Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment, 380(1-2), 1996, pp. 262-265
We report on the construction and initial testing of a 48 x 48 CdZnTe
array with 125 mu m pixel spacing and multiplexer readout. Large porti
ons of the array function well but there was a loss of pixels near one
corner of the array due to non-interconnecting indium bumps. This pro
blem is readily correctable. Excellent single-pixel spectra were obtai
ned with a (TC)-T-99m source using an adjustment technique that accoun
ts for energy deposited in neighboring pixels. A point-spread function
(PSF) taken at 140 keV yielded a spatial resolution of 230 mu m, much
better than required for nuclear medicine applications. No problems w
ere found that are not readily correctable or of much less significanc
e for CdZnTe arrays having larger pixel spacing. We are now constructi
ng 64 x 64 CdZnTe arrays with 380 mu m pixel spacing for use in an ult
ra-high resolution brain SPECT imaging system.