C-TYPE natriuretic peptide (CNP), a third member of the natriuretic pe
ptide family, is found throughout the central nervous system (CNS), pa
rticularly in those regions involved in neuroendocrine regulation. Ast
rocytes, which have important physiological roles in normal neuronal f
unctioning, express receptors of CNP. Using reverse transcription-poly
merase chain reaction (RT-PCR), followed by hybridization with a digox
igenin-labelled cDNA probe, we have demonstrated the expression of CNP
gene transcripts in both cultured mouse astrocytes and rat C6 glioma
cells, with the former expressing the gene at a considerably higher le
vel than the latter. Our data raise the possibility that CNP may act i
n autocrine and/or paracrine fashion in glial cell physiology and neur
omodulate communication between glial cells and neurones.