BACKGROUND. Young patients with colorectal carcinomas are considered t
o have a worse prognosis than older patients. It was the goal of this
study to assess if biologic characteristics of tumors in young patient
s differ from those observed in 2 different groups of patients with th
e same clinical characteristics but ranging in age either from 41 to 6
0 years or 61 years and older, respectively. METHODS. Colorectal carci
noma tumor samples were obtained from storage from patients age 40 yea
rs and younger and examined for tumor ploidy and S-phase fraction. For
each younger patient, a control was selected among patients matched f
or Dukes stage, site of primary tumor, and sex, with the two age group
s. RESULTS. Thirty-one of 1361 patients (2.2%) with colorectal carcino
ma treated at our institution between 1984 and 1994 age 40 years or yo
unger. Tumor aneuploidy was present in 3 younger patients, in 5 patien
ts in the 41 to 60 years age group, and in 5 patients in the 61 years
and older age group. S-phase fraction was 27.67 +/- 13.62 in patients
younger than 40 years, 25.35 +/- 11.6 in the 40 to 61 years age group,
and 22.45 +/- 8.48 in the 61 years and older age group. These differe
nces were not statistically significant. CONCLUSIONS. It appears that
there are no significant differences in S-phase fraction and tumor ane
uploidy in patients younger or older than 40 years, suggesting that co
lorectal tumors arising in young people do not have different biologic
properties. (C) 1996 American Cancer Society.