Study Objective: To assess the experience with autologous bone marrow
harvesting in outpatients. Design: Retrospective analysis of outpatien
ts who underwent autologous bone marrow harvesting from 1990 to 1992.
Setting: University-affiliate surgical day hospital. Subjects: 235 out
patients who underwent 264 autologous bone marrow harvests. Patients a
re candidates, for autologous bone marrow harvesting on an outpatient
basis if they are Karnofsky performance status of 80-100 and ASA statu
s I, II or III. Measurements and Main Results: The incidence of periop
erative complications and hospital admission from the Surgical Day Hos
pital, the duration of the harvesting procedure and postanesthesia car
e unit (PACU) stay, details of the postoperative pain management, and
costs and changes of the outpatient procedure compared with the same p
rocedure performed on inpatients were assessed. Mean age runs 37.7 yea
rs +/- 10.5 SD; 47.7% patients were male and 52.3% were female. The di
sease processes included non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (30.3%), leukemia (24.
3%;), metastatic breast cancer (18.4%), Hodgkin's disease (17.3%), tes
ticular carcinoma (6.5%), and other (1.6%). The patients were ASA stat
us II (54.5%) or ASA III (45.5%) and received general endotracheal ane
sthesia. Each patient had 10.7 ml/kg +/- 2.8 SD of marrow harvested ov
er a period of 110.7 minutes +/- 30.4 SD and total recovery room time
of 233.7 minutes +/- 85.5 SD. Of 264 harvests, only three (1.1%) requi
red hospital admission. PACU complaints included transient hypotension
, and dizziness (5.3%), nausea (3.8%), vomiting (3.4%), and (1.9%) tem
perature elevation. 83.7% of patients were reached at home the followi
ng day and 4.1% complained of nausea and/or vomiting at home. 6.8% of
patients experienced temperature elevation at home. Only 27.1% of pati
ents took the acetaminophen with codeine that was prescribed. The rema
inder required no opioid at horne. Outpatient charge/inpatient charge
was 51.1%, and outpatient cost/inpatient was 74.4%. Conclusion: Autolo
gous bone marrow harvesting is an acceptable ambulatory surgical proce
dure that results in a very low postanesthesia complication rate. Post
operative pain is easily controlled. The outpatient setting offers cos
t and time advantages to the patient. (C) 1996 by Elsevier Science Inc