Ra. Street et al., LARGE-AREA AMORPHOUS-SILICON X-RAY IMAGERS, Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment, 380(1-2), 1996, pp. 450-454
Large two dimensional amorphous silicon imaging arrays are of interest
for electronic document input and x-ray imaging. The device is a matr
ix-addressed array of light detectors fabricated from hydrogenated amo
rphous silicon on a glass substrate. Each imaging pixel consists of a
light sensor and a thin film transistor (TFT). X-ray imaging is accomp
lished by placing a phosphor in contact with the image sensing surface
, or by direct detection with a thick photoconductor. The imager techn
ology is now capable of 10 in. arrays with image capture at greater th
an 10 frames/sec and with resolution of 4-6 1p/mm. We describe our new
high resolution imaging system, comprising the sensor array with an a
ctive area of approximately 8 x 10 in. having nearly 3 million pixels,
and the accompanying readout electronics. Key technological issues an
d alternative array designs are discussed.