The UT-3 thermochemical hydrogen producing cycle is a four step proces
s developed at the University of Tokyo. In the process, only solid and
gas reactants/products are used and the maximum temperature is 1033 K
. The process has been developed to be coupled with gas cooled nuclear
reactors (HTGR). In this article, a new UT-3 process is conceived to
be coupled with a solar heat source. In the new process, all four reac
tions are carried out in adiabatic equipment where steam (or steam + n
itrogen) can be used as a vector. The operation of the process is done
continuously. During sunshine hours, the energy to the process is sup
plied directly from the solar receiver. During cloudy periods and nigh
ts, it is supplied from a thermal storage system where the necessary h
igh temperature heat is stored during sunshine hours. The solar UT-3 p
rocess has been evaluated using the ASPEN-PLUS code. It is found that
the overall thermal efficiency is 49.5%, the exergetic efficiency is 5
2.9% and the process can be realized using conventional materials. Siz
ing of a solar hydrogen plant producing 2000 Nm(3) per hour hydrogen h
as been carried out and operation of various equipment has been discus
sed. Copyright (C) 1996 Elsevier Science Ltd.