The poleward continuation of one of the largest known Arctic carbonate
factories, the western Spitsbergenbank of the Barents Sea, has been s
urveyed along the narrow SW Svalbard shelf. On this shelf, formation o
f cold-water carbonate sediments occurs under glaciomarine environment
al conditions. Mya truncata and Hiatella arctica colonized a soft glac
io marine diamicton 3000-6000 years after the final retreat of the ice
dome from the SW Svalbard shelf. Since 2600 yr B.P., an increase of al
ong-shelf bottom currents washed out the fine terrigenous deposits lea
ving behind a shelly lag-deposit and winnowed boulders on a morainic s
helf topography. The most favourable depth interval promoting the esta
blishment of an amalgamated bioclastic blanket is located in 50-80 m w
ater depth. In this interval, strong bottom currents prevent sedimenta
tion, thus, facilitating colonisation of filter-feeding benthic commun
ities dominated by Balanus balanus and Chlamys islandica. Additional s
keletal components are supplied by echinoderms, bryozoans, serpulids,
brachiopods and gastropods. In shallower water depths, carbonate produ
ction is hampered by intense iceberg-scouring and release of ice-rafte
d debris from the still glaciated hinterland of Svalbard. In deeper wa
ter (>80 m), olive grey muds with dispersed pebbles rich in benthic fo
raminiferans, Clinocardium ciliatum and taxodont bivalves are present
on all surveyed shelf banks. The deepest unit is a blue mud in water d
epths > 120 m with benthic foraminiferans, taxodont bivalves and sipun
culids. Compared to Spitsbergenbank, carbonate production is much more
restricted and impoverished on the SW Svalbard shelf, but is still an
instructive modern example for the formation of skeletal carbonates r
esting on tillites in the geological record.