PURPOSE: To measure the radiologic characteristics of subtle lung nodu
les and develop nodule phantoms that simulate these characteristics. M
ATERIALS AND METHODS: From a database of chest radiographs, 16 radiogr
aphs that showed confirmed subtle lung nodules were selected. The opti
cal density values surrounding each nodule were obtained, and the radi
ologic characteristics of the nodules were evaluated. A set of Teflon
nodule phantoms with similar x-ray transmission and variability was de
signed and fabricated. The contrast characteristics of the images of t
he nodule phantoms were measured. RESULTS: Most of the subtle nodules
appeared to have diffuse edges with Gaussian-like contrast profiles. T
he contrast and size characteristics of the nodule phantom images fulf
illed the design criteria within a 4% deviation. CONCLUSION: The radio
logic pattern of subtle lung nodules is poorly simulated by nodule pha
ntoms with simple spherical or disk shapes. The nodule phantoms in thi
s study produce realistic radiographic patterns with an energy-depende
nt attenuation equivalent to that of tissue. The nodule phantoms are i
ntended for use in experiments involving human subjects.