Alopecia areata is a not uncommon disease of variable severity, manife
sting with non-scarring, patchy hair loss that may spontaneously regre
ss within a short time but that may also progress to long-lasting alop
ecia totalis and alopecia universalis, causing cosmetic disfigurement
and psychological distress. Whereas the diagnosis is easy, the pathoge
nesis remains obscure; hair loss results from attack of the hair matri
x, in which genetic, emotional and mainly immunologic factors seem to
be involved. Our poor understanding of the pathophysiology of the dise
ase is reflected in the absence of a consistently effective treatment.
Animal models and new technologies such as single hair follicular cul
ture, single hair reverse transcriptase-PCR and follicular reconstitut
ion studies will hopefully help in the understanding of the basic path
ophysiologic mechanisms of the disease and to elaborate more efficient
therapeutic modalities.