Mineral magnetic properties of soils can be strongly influenced by soi
l-forming factors. Understanding how climate influences magnetic trans
formations in soils may offer insight into paleoclimate and the pedolo
gic history of landscapes. Based on our experience with soils in Calif
ornia and Hawaii, we have developed a conceptual model of the pathways
that can lead to enhancement of the magnetic susceptibility in soils.
We base our model on three sources of iron in soils: magnetite, maghe
mite, and other iron-bearing minerals. We find that preferential accum
ulation, transformation (diagenesis), lessivage, neoformation (authige
nesis), and solubilization are the main processes that convert the pri
mary lithogenic minerals inherited from soil parent material to the se
condary pedogenic minerals found in the solum. Biosynthesis is include
d in the model hut does not appear to be an important process in aerob
ic soil environments. Our model shows that a major process in the enha
ncement of eluvial and illuvial horizons is neoformation of secondary
magnetite and maghemite resulting from precipitation of iron From the
soil solution. The processes and products in the model are independent
of whether the parent material is transported (alluvium or loess) or
residuum. For the soils that we have studied, the rates of susceptibil
ity enhancement are shown to be dependent on climate and parent materi
al. Copyright (C) 1996 INQUA/Elsevier Science Ltd