Skin entrance exposure measurements obtained with a dose-area-product
meter and thermoluminescent dosimeters were compared at posteroanterio
r and lateral chest radiography in 52 adult male patients. In a linear
regression analysis of data collected in both views, values of 1.23 /- 0.02 and 1.26 +/- 0.01 (r = .98 and .99) were found fur the ratios
of thermoluminescent-dosimeter and dose-area-product exposures, respec
tively. Skin entrance exposures from 16 mR (4.13 mu C/kg) to 150 mR (3
8.7 mu C/kg) in the posteroanterior view and 24 mR (6.19 mu C/kg) to 4
75 mR (123 mu C/kg) in the lateral view were found. Dose-area-product
meters offer a rapid and accurate means to measure skin entrance expos
ure when the radiography field size is known.