The Isere anticancer departmental office (ODLC) created by order in Ju
ne 1981, assumes the responsibility of screening. Since 1991 its actio
n has focused on breast cancer mass screening in women aged 50 to 69 y
ears, as well as cervix, colon and rectum carcinomas for the same age
group, The board of directors includes politicians and representatives
of administrative services from, DASS, DISS, CHU, cancer registry, ce
ntre d'etudes nucleaires, University Joseph Fourier, the French Medica
l Association, medical trade-unions, CPAM, and charitable organization
s. Its budget for 1995 war 3.6 million FF, subsidized up to 90% by the
regional council. After being invited by CPAM or private insurances,
each woman is submitted to a consultation with a general practitioner
or gynecologist who fill in the questionnaire, perform a clinical exam
ination (including PAP smears), prescribe a mammography and give a hem
occult test. This mass screening is free of charge thanks to FNPIES, C
PAM and private insurances. ODLC seems to be the most qualified struct
ure of coordination and follow-up to take charge of a departmental mas
s screening.