This study describes the correlation between changes in mood symptoms
assessed by the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HDRS) and intellectu
al impairment assessed by the Brief Cognitive Rating Scale (BCRS) and
Mattis Dementia Rating Scale (MDRS) in 166 unselected 1-year survivors
after stroke, in whom post-stroke depression (PSD) has previously bee
n described and validated, The course of intellectual impairment assoc
iated with PSD tvas compared with the course of intellectual impairmen
t in non-PSD patients. In general, improvement in mood symptoms was co
rrelated with an improvement in intellectual function. However, in 53
PSD patients improvement in intellectual performance was absent, despi
te the fact that the patients reported being significantly less distre
ssed by dementia symptoms. Antidepressive medication did not lead to a
ny improvement in MDRS score. No evidence tvas found to support the hy
pothesis of 'dementia of depression'. To the contrary, the findings in
dicate 'depression of dementia'.