Re. Shepherd et al., LIGAND-FIELD FACTORS IN PROMOTING S=3 2 (FENO)(7) NITROSYLS/, Journal of inorganic biochemistry, 65(1), 1997, pp. 1-14
Citations number
Categorie Soggetti
Biology,"Chemistry Inorganic & Nuclear
ISSN journal
Year of publication
1 - 14
SICI code
The EPR spectra of {FeNO}(7) iron nitrosyls are of interest as models for nitrosylated nonheme proteins which exhibit the unusual S = 3/2 sp in state. Few models of such S = 3/2 species are known, although [Fe(e dta)NO](2-) adopts this spin behavior. The present study examines [Fe- II L] and [Fe-II L(NO)] complexes of polyaminopolycarboxylates and pyr idylmethylamines which are derived from nta(3-) and edta(4-) as models of such systems. The series of L = nta(3-) (nitrilotriacetate), uedda (2-) (N,N'-ethylenediaminediacetate), pida(2-) (2-pyridylmethyliminodi acetate), tpa (tris(2-pyridylmethyl)amine), tpen N,N',N'-tetrakis(2-py ridylmethyl)ethylenediamine), and edta(4-) (ethylenediaminetetraacetat e) was chosen to provide ligands of increasing ligand field strength f or both six-coordinate and seven-coordinate [FeL(NO)] complexes in ord er to investigate the effect on the net complexes near 1:1 methods lig and/Fe-II ratios are [Fe(pida)(H2O)(2)] and [Fe(uedda)(H2O)(2)] having E(1/2) values of 0.39 V and 0.26 V vs NHE (mu = 0.1, T = 22 degrees C ). [Fe(tpa)(H2O)Cl](+) and [Fe(tpen)](2+) have waves at 0.547 V and 0. 84 V. Bis complexes occur at 20:1 ratios for pida(2-) and uedda(2-). [ Fe-II(NO)] complexes are spontaneously formed by admitting NO to Ar pu rged Fe-II L solutions. EPR spectra of frozen samples (77-105 K) show that [Fe(nta)NO](-) (g = 4.36, 4.02, 2.00), [Fe(pida)(H2O)(NO)] g = 4. 02 (axial), 2.00), [Fe(tpda)Cl(NO)](+) (g = 4.00, 2.00) are S = 3/2 co mplexes. [Fe(tpen)NO](2+) (g = 2.03, 1.97, 1.96) is a low-spin S = 1/2 complex with no N-shf coupling, suggestive of a seven-coordinate stru ctural analogue of the [Fe(edta)NO](2-), S = 3/2 complex. MO diagrams for six- and seven-coordinate [FeL(NO)] complexes as a function of inc reasing ligand field strength, which incorporate the spin-polarization effect for weak fields, are presented to explain the change from S = 3/2 to S = 1/2 of the nonheme protein model complexes. The strong-fiel d limit yields the Enemark-Feltham order. Cyclic voltammetry and diffe rential pulse polarography studies support the prior Rhodes-Barley-Mey er conclusion for [Fe(edta)NO](2-) that, for the [FeL(NO) complexes, t he oxidation [Fe-II L(N over dot O] -1e(-) under right arrow [Fe-II L( NO+)] occurs coincidentally at the same, or nearly the same, potential as their [Fe-II L(H2O) -1e(-) under right arrow> [Fe-III L(H2O)] comp lex. The [Fe-II L(NO)] complexes of nta(3-), pida(2-), and edta(4-) ar e electrochemically silent at glassy cal-bon, whereas those of tpa and tpen are electrochemically reversible. Consistent with the MO predict ions, six-coordinate S = 1/2 {FeNO}(7) complexes have both metal d(xz) and ligand NO N character in the HOMO, and exhibit N-shf in the EPR s pectrum. Seven-coordinate S = 1/2 {FeNO]7 complexes have purely metal- based d(xy) HOMO's and exhibit no N-shf coupling. The absence of stabl e CO adducts for many nonheme proteins and their model complexes is ex plained by the MO orders and the reduction of spin polarization as a s tabilizing factor. (C) 1997 Elsevier Srience Inc.