A 46-year-old woman was found to have a giant cyst behind the uterus d
uring preoperative examinations of an uterine myoma. Pelvic and digita
l examinations revealed an oval, palpable mass behind the uterus with
no mucosal lesions on the rectal wall. Ultrasonography and computed to
mography showed an uterine myoma with a cystic change and art oval mas
s behind the uterus, which compressed the rectum to the left side. The
patient underwent hysterectomy and tumor resection via laparotomy. Th
e tumor was found to be located in the presacral space. Histological e
xamination showed a cyst lined by keratinized squamous epithelium with
no cutaneous adnexal structures and subsequently, the tumor was diagn
osed as an epidermal cyst.