Experiments using monoclonal and polyclonal anti-actin antibodies allo
wed us to demonstrate the presence of F- or G-actin in original protis
ts, dinoflagellates, either by biochemistry, immunofluorescence and in
TEM. SDS-PAGE electrophoresis and immunoblottings made either from to
tal or nuclear protein extracts revealed the presence of a 44-kDa band
reacting with monoclonal anti-actin antibody in two species, Prorocen
trum micans and Crypthecodinium cohnii, and thus demonstrated the pres
ence of actin in nuclear and cytoplasmic fractions. After squash prepa
ration of P micans cells, actin was identified within the nucleus and
in some regions of the cytoplasm by immunofluorescence microscopy. Lab
elling of both the nucleolus and the centrosome region was evident tog
ether with amorphous nucleoplasmic material surrounding the chromosome
s. The use of cryosections of intact P micans and C coh nii cells for
immunofluorescence along with staining with DAPI to delineate the chro
mosomes themselves, yielded finer resolution of the intranuclear netwo
rk labelling pattern and allowed us to complete our observations, in p
articular on the cytoplasmic labelling. In P micans, in addition to th
e centrosome region, the cytoplasmic channels passing through the nucl
eus in dividing cells are labelled. In C cohnii, the cortex, the centr
osome region, the cytoplasmic channels, the region surrounding the nuc
leus, the filaments linking it to the cortex and the cleavage furrow a
re also labelled. In the nucleus of the two species, there is a promin
ent 'weft' of fine actin filaments in the nucleoplasm forming a matrix
of varying density around the persistent chromosomes. This actin matr
ix, of unknown function, is most conspicuous at the end of the S-phase
of the cell cycle. Fluorescent derivatives of phalloidin, used as dia
gnostic cytochemical probes for polymeric actin (F-actin), gave simila
r results. Positive TEM immunolabelling of intranuclear actin confirms
its presence in the nucleoplasm, in the nucleolus where the preriboso
mal region is labelled while C cohnii chromosomes are unlabelled and t
he P micans chromosomes very slightly. In the cytoplasm, lips of the c
leavage furrow and kinetosome regions are labelled as well as the cent
rosome region. The possible functions of this protein located in sever
al compartments of dinoflagellate cells are discussed.