Cg. Vucetich et al., ANTEPENULTIMATE GLACIAL TO LAST GLACIAL DEPOSITS IN SOUTHERN WAIRARAPA, NEW-ZEALAND, Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand, 26(4), 1996, pp. 469-482
In southern Wairarapa valley, north of the marine terraces adjacent to
Palliser Bay, three fluvial aggradation gravel terraces with small ve
rtical separation, at successively lower levels, represent the Porewa,
Rata and Ohakea stadials of the Last Glacial Stage. Their correlative
loess deposits and interbedded Kawakawa and Middle Tongariro Tephras
mantle much of the lower part of the valley and higher areas to the ea
st, providing stratigraphic control on underlying surfaces of pre-Ohak
ean, pre-Ratan and Pre-Porewan ages. A slightly higher terrace represe
nts the Last Interglacial Stage. It has a cover of Francis Line Format
ion, predominantly fine-grained fluvial overbank deposits c.5-7 m thic
k, locally thicker lacustrine deposits, with overlying Porewa, Rata an
d Ohakea Loess with their interbedded tephras. The eastern limit of Fr
ancis Line Formation is defined approximately, and farther east the La
st Interglacial Stage is represented by a paleosol, usually strong red
in colour, and at places developed in thin wind-blown sand. Ahiaruhe
Formation underlies Last Interglacial deposits unconformably, consists
mainly of alluvial gravel, but includes relatively thin loess and fre
sh-water silt and sand layers, Mount Curl Tephra and a strong brown pa
leosol above the tephra. It is considered to represent the Penultimate
Glaciation, Penultimate Interglacial, and Antepenultimate Glaciation,
and was deposited in a regime of tectonic subsidence.