Dm. Nathan, LIFETIME BENEFITS AND COSTS OF INTENSIVE THERAPY AS PRACTICED IN THE DIABETES CONTROL AND COMPLICATIONS TRIAL, JAMA, the journal of the American Medical Association, 276(17), 1996, pp. 1409-1415
Objective.-To examine the cost-effectiveness of alternative approaches
to the management of insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM). Desi
gn.-A Monte Carlo simulation model was developed to estimate the lifet
ime benefits and costs of conventional and intensive insulin therapy.
Data were collected as part of the Diabetes Control and Complications
Trial (DCCT) and supplemented with data from other clinical trials and
epidemiologic studies. Setting.-Twenty-nine academic medical centers.
Patients.-Persons with IDDM in the United States who meet demographic
and clinical eligibility criteria for enrollment in the DCCT. Interve
ntions.-Conventional vs intensive diabetes management. Results.-Approx
imately 120 000 persons with IDDM in the United States meet DCCT eligi
bility criteria. implementing intensive rather than conventional thera
py in this population would result in a gain of 920 000 years of sight
, 691 000 years free from end-stage renal disease, 678 000 years free
from lower extremity amputation, and 611 000 years of life at an addit
ional cost of $4.0 billion over the lifetime of the population. The in
cremental cost per year of life gained is $28 661. Conclusions.-Over a
lifetime, DCCT-defined intensive therapy reduces complications, impro
ves quality of life, and can be expected to increase length of life. F
rom a health care system perspective, intensive therapy is well within
the range of cost-effectiveness considered to represent a good value.