Block and Marschak (1960, in Olkin et al. (Eds.), Contributions to pro
bability and statistics (pp. 97-132), Stanford, CA: Stanford Univ. Pre
ss) discussed the relationship between a probability distribution over
the strict linear rankings on a finite set C and a family of jointly
distributed random variables indexed by C. The present paper genera li
zes the concept of random variable (random utility) representations to
m-ary relations. It specifies conditions on a finite family of random
variables that are sufficient to construct a probability distribution
on a given collection of m-ary relations over the family's index set.
Conversely, conditions are presented for a probability distribution o
n a collection of m-ary relations over a finite set C to induce (on a
given sample space) a family of jointly distributed random variables i
ndexed by C. Four random variable representations are discussed as ill
ustrations of the general method. These are a semiorder model of appro
val voting, a probabilistic model for betweenness in magnitude judgmen
ts, a probabilistic model for political ranking data, and a probabilis
tic concatenation describing certainty equivalents for the joint recei
pt of gambles. The main theorems are compared to related results of He
yer and Niederee (1989, in E. E. Roskam (Ed.), Mathematical psychology
in progress (pp, 99-112). Berlin: Springer-Verlag; 1992, Mathematical
Social Sciences, 23, 31-44). (C) 1996 Academic Press, Inc.