Twenty consecutive eases of infected total knee replacements surgicall
y treated between 1990 and 1993 in which complete clinical and financi
al data were available were reviewed to determine the resources requir
ed of the hospital and the surgeon. These results were compared with a
similar analysis of a stratified, unselected sample 30 cases each of
primary total knee arthroplasty and nonseptic revision total knee arth
roplasty during the same period Parameters compared between the infect
ed total knee replacement, noninfected revision total knee replacement
, and primary total knee replacement included number of surgical proce
dures performed, number of hospitalizations, number of hospital days,
total operative time, and total intraoperative blood loss. Financial d
ata included the amount charged and reimbursed by the hospital and by
the surgeon. The actual hospital cost was estimated as sell. Based on
all parameters measured, surgical treatment of the infected total knee
implant required 3 to 4 times the resources of the hospital and the s
urgeon compared with a primary total knee implant and approximately tw
ice the resources of a nonseptic revision total knee implant The reimb
ursement received resulted in an estimated net loss of approximately $
15,000 per ease to the hospital for the group as a whole, but approxim
ately $30,000 per case per Medicare patient.