r of women and men, with incidence increasing with advancing age. Oste
openia is a reduction in bone mass due to an imbalance between bone re
sorption and formation, favoring resorption, resulting in demineraliza
tion and leading to osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is a disease characteri
zed by low bone mass and fragility and a consequent increase in fractu
re risk. Periodontitis is characterized by inflammation of the support
ing tissues of the teeth, resulting in resorption of the alveolar bone
as well as loss of the soft tissue attachment to the tooth and is a m
ajor cause of tooth loss and edentulousness in adults. The relationshi
p of osteopenia to oral bone loss and periodontal disease has been add
ressed in a limited number of studies. A review of current knowledge r
egarding this relationship is presented. Interpretation of the literat
ure is complicated by the variety of methods used to assess osteopenia
, oral bone mass, and periodontitis, as well as varying definitions of
outcomes of interest. Results of a previously unpublished study are p
resented which suggest that severity of osteopenia is related to loss
of alveolar crestal height and tooth loss in post-menopausal women. Th
e literature on the relationship among these disorders is limited and
points to the need for additional studies which thoroughly evaluate th
e influence of potential confounding factors to further define the rel
ationship between low bone mineral density and periodontal disease in
larger populations. Clearer understanding of this relationship may aid
health care providers in their efforts to detect and prevent osteopor
osis and periodontal disease. Increased dialogue among medical and den
tal professionals will be increasingly important in achieving and main
taining patients' optimal health.