The noninvasive assessment of bone turnover has markedly improved in t
he past few years with the development of sensitive and specific marke
rs of bone formation and bone resorption. Markers of bone formation in
serum include total and bone-specific alkaline phosphatase, osteocalc
in, and type I collagen carboxyterminal extension peptide. Assessment
of bone resorption can be achieved by measuring plasma tartrate-resist
ant acid phosphate and the urinary excretion (and possibly serum level
s) of bone type I collagen degradation products: hydroxyproline, hydro
xylysine glycosides, and, more recently, the pyridinium crosslinks (py
ridinoline and deoxypyridinoline) and associated peptides. The immunoa
ssay of human osteocalcin and bone alkaline phosphatase for formation
and the pyridinoline crosslinks measured by high-pressure liquid chrom
atography or by immunoassay for bone resorption are currently the most
sensitive and specific markers of bone turnover for the clinical asse
ssment of osteoporosis. Using these new markers, several studies have
shown that bone turnover increases after the menopause and remains ele
vated in late postmenopausal and elderly women. An increased bone turn
over rate is related to a high rate of bone loss in postmenopausal wom
en and to a decreased bone mass in elderly women. Recent data suggest
that some of the new immunoassays for pyridinoline crosslinks could pr
edict the subsequent risk of hip fracture in elderly women. Thus, bone
markers might be used in combination with bone mass measurement to im
prove the prognostic assessment of postmenopausal women, i.e., their r
isk of developing osteoporosis and ultimately fractures. Treatment of
postmenopausal women with antiresorptive drugs such as estrogens, bisp
hosphonates, and calcitonin induces a rapid decrease in the levels of
bone markers that is correlated with the long-term effect of such trea
tments on bone mass. Thus, bone markers should be very useful in monit
oring treatment efficacy in patients with osteoporosis.