This paper addresses the synergy and antagonism between symptoms and s
igns among 2,914 elderly Canadians diagnosed in 15 categories, includi
ng no cognitive impairment, cognitive impairment but no dementia, mild
, moderate and severe forms of Alzheimer's disease and vascular dement
ia, 4 subtypes of possible Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's dementia,
unspecified other dementias and unclassified dementias. Attention is p
aid to the relationships between symptoms and signs rather than conven
tional analyses which assume independent signs. We demonstrate that de
mentia progression and specific aetiologies have characteristic patter
ns of decline and destruction from the strong synergy that exists betw
een symptoms and signs among the population with no cognitive impairme
nt. These findings have potential implications for the incorporation o
f new diagnostic criteria into existing databases.