Sedation is a technique widely used in intensive care unit patients. T
he main objective is to ensure a proper level of analgesia and the bes
t physical and psychical comfort possible. For the vast majority of pa
tients a light level of sedation is adequate and the level of sedation
can easely be deepened to perform a short but painful procedure. A de
eper level of sedation, close to that of a general anesthesia is rarel
y needed and limited to specific indications: adult respiratory distre
ss syndrome, head trauma, status asthmaticus. Drugs used for sedation
are combinations of opoids (fentanyl or sufentanil), benzodiazepines (
midazolam) and hypnotic drugs such as propofol. In combination with th
e pharmacological approach, a psychological approach is of greater int
erest in conscious patients.