Uterine torsion is a common cause of dystocia in dairy cows, but rarel
y is observed in the postpartum period. Detailed clinical descriptions
of cows with postparturient uterine torsion are not available. The au
thors diagnosed uterine torsion in three postparturient dairy cows. In
one, uterine torsion of 180 degrees was diagnosed 5 days after nonsur
gical correction of preparturient uterine torsion, and 3 days after de
livery of a single dead calf. In the others, uterine torsions of appro
ximately 150 degrees and 135 degrees were diagnosed approximately 2 we
eks after delivery of twin calves. All three cows had concurrent intra
uterine infection. Postparturient uterine torsion was obvious by palpa
tion per rectum or vaginum in only one cow. Definitive diagnosis was m
ade during exploratory laparotomy in the others. The cows improved cli
nically and uterine involution proceeded uneventfully after correction
of the torsion and treatment of intrauterine infection. The etiopatho
genesis of bovine uterine torsion is reviewed, and possible predisposi
ng factors for its occurrence in postparturient cows are discussed.