M. Meremonte et al., URBAN SEISMOLOGY - NORTHRIDGE AFTERSHOCKS RECORDED BY MULTISCALE ARRAYS OF PORTABLE DIGITAL SEISMOGRAPHS, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 86(5), 1996, pp. 1350-1363
We deployed portable digital seismographs in the San Fernando Valley (
SFV), the Los Angeles basin (LAB), and surrounding hills to record aft
ershocks of the 17 January 1994 Northridge California earthquake. The
purpose of the deployment was to investigate factors relevant to seism
ic zonation in urban areas, such as site amplification, sedimentary ba
sin effects, and the variability of ground motion over short baselines
. We placed seismographs at 47 sites (not all concurrently) and record
ed about 290 earthquakes with magnitudes up to 5.1 at five stations or
more. We deployed widely spaced stations for profiles across the San
Fernando Valley, as well as five dense arrays (apertures of 200 to 500
m) in areas of high damage, such as the collapsed Interstate 10 overp
ass, Sherman Oaks, and the collapsed parking garage at CalState Northr
idge. Aftershock data analysis indicates a correlation of site amplifi
cation with mainshock damage. We found several cases where the site am
plification depended on the azimuth of the aftershock, possibly indica
ting focusing from basin structures. For the parking garage array, we
found large ground-motion variabilities (a factor of 2) over 200-m dis
tances for sites on the same mapped soil unit. Array analysis of the a
ftershock seismograms demonstrates that sizable arrivals after the dir
ect S waves consist of surface waves traveling from the same azimuth a
s that of the epicenter. These surface waves increase the duration of
motions and can have frequencies as high as about 4 Hz. For the events
studied here, we do not observe large arrivals reflected from the sou
thern edge of the San Fernando Valley.