This work includes all cases with extra digits (polydactyly) registere
d from a birth sample of over four million births aggregated from two
comparable birth series: the Latin-American Collaborative Study of Con
genital Malformations: ECLAMC (3,128,957 live and still births from th
e 1967 to 1993 period), and the Spanish Collaborative Study of Congeni
tal Malformations: ECEMC (1,093,865 livebirths from April 1976 to Sept
ember 1993, and 7,271 stillbirths from January 1980 to September 1993)
. All but 2 of 6,912 registered polydactyly cases fit well into one of
the following 11 preestablished polydactyly types (observed number of
cases in parentheses): Postaxial hexadactyly (5,345), Preaxial-I hexa
dactyly (1,018), Seven or more digits (57), synpoly-dactyly (15), cros
sed polydactyly (45), Ist digit triphalangism (33), 2nd digit duplicat
ion (39), 3rd digit duplication (18), 4th digit duplication (22), Haas
polysyndactyly (3), and high degree of duplication (4). The birth pre
valence rates observed in both series were similar except for postaxia
l polydactyly, which was more frequent in the ECLAMC (150.2/100,000) t
han in the ECEMC (67.4/100,000), as expected due to the higher African
Black ethnic extraction of the South-American than of the Spanish pop
ulations. This similar frequency for the rare polydactylies (5.4 per 1
00,000 in South America and 5.7 in Spain), and for each one of the 9 c
ategories, suggests that the values reported here are valid for most p
opulations. The rare polydactylies are frequently syndromal: one third
of them (77/236) were found in association with other congenital anom
alies, 11.0% (26/236) in MCA cases and 21.6% (51/236) in recognized sy
ndromes. (C) 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.