The clinical features of a patient with a primary lymphoma of the brea
st are herein reported The diagnosis was reached by histological exami
nation after outpatient surgery. Surgical resection was followed by cy
tostatic treatment and locoregional radiotherapy. This case report is
an example where the integration of physical and mammographic examinat
ion together with ultrasonography (and cytology), in the context of di
agnostic procedures, induced us to perform a surgical excision on an o
utpatient basis. This line of action allowed us, in one step, to arriv
e at both the definitive diagnosis and the appropriate choice of thera
py. Thus we believe that this diagnostic procedure should be carried o
ut whenever a breast lesion, thought to be ''probably benign'', is fou
nd by physical or mammogr aphic exam in a peri-postmenopausal woman.