Acoustic signals produced by males are often subject to sexual selecti
on. The mechanism of song production in crickets is well documented. C
ricket songs are said to be characterised by almost pure tones of cons
tant frequency. However, contrary to previous work, we show that crick
et songs exhibit frequency modulation to varying degrees, dependent on
the degree of asymmetry in the sound resonators or harps. Recent stud
ies of sexually selected traits suggest that size and symmetry may ref
lect male quality. The harps of crickets exhibit directional asymmetry
to a degree that is directly related to the degree of fluctuating asy
mmetry in a measure of body size. We show that females prefer pure ton
es of low carrier frequency, characteristic of large symmetrical harps
. Directional asymmetry may thus convey reliable information regarding
male quality encoded in the male's song.