Receptor-mediated inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate formation in most tissu
es is dependent on a variety of phospholipase C isoforms. To determine
wh ich phospholipase C isoforms were present in vascular smooth muscl
e compared to brain, liver, and spleen, we extracted proteins from the
se tissues and separated and identified the phospholipase C isoforms b
y immunoblotting. Aliquots of rat tail artery were examined by this pr
ocedure, together with aliquots of rat liver, spleen, cerebral cortex,
hippocampus, cerebellum, aorta, and mesenteric artery. Phospholipase
C gamma 1 was shown to be present in all of these tissues, while phosp
holipase C beta 1 was shown to be limited to fractions from brain. Pho
spholipase C delta 1 was detected in rat tail artery, mesenteric arter
y, aorta, and brain. Phospholipase C beta 2 was found in rat tail arte
ry, liver, and brain. This is the first report of phospholipase C beta
2 in tissues other than HL60 cells. Since G proteins activate IP3 pro
duction via stimulation of phospholipase C beta isoforms in many tissu
es, and agonist-stimulated IP3 production in smooth muscle requires G
protein activation, phospholipase C beta 2 may be required for agonist
-stimulated force production in vascular smooth muscle. (C) 1996 Wiley
-Liss, Inc.