Wj. Rink et al., ESR DATING OF TOOTH ENAMEL - COMPARISON WITH AMS C-14 AT EL CASTILLO CAVE, SPAIN, Journal of archaeological science, 23(6), 1996, pp. 945-951
At El Castillo, in Cantabrian Spain, uncalibrated AMS C-14 dating has
shown the transition from Mousterian to Aurignacian to occur at 39.3 /- 1.6 ka BP. We found ESR tooth enamel ages from the basal Aurignacia
n level at El Castillo to be 36.2 +/- 4.1 ka (early and linear uptake)
. The enamel and dentine had very low U contents, but ESR ages are str
ongly dependent upon knowledge of the moisture content history of the
sediments. Although the Aurignacian ESR age is 8% younger than the wei
ghted average uncalibrated AMS C-14 age of 39.6 +/- 1.3 ka obtained fr
om charcoal samples, we have shown that the methods agree within exper
imental uncertainty. However, since no precise C-14 calibration yet ex
ists for this period of time, we are unable to specify which of the ag
es is more accurate, nor are we able ascribe the apparent age discrepa
ncy to a particular deficiency in the ESR method. (C) 1996 Academic Pr
ess Limited