The concept of ''limbness'' usually implies ''wingness'' or ''legness.
'' We present evidence in this study that in the case of the proximal
forelimb, limbness may exist independent of wingness. Presumptive wing
and leg regions were grafted into the opposite limb (wing into leg or
leg into wing) of stage 18 hosts. Several stage 10+ to 11+ presumptiv
e wing regions grafted into host legs developed pelvic girdles associa
ted with distal wing elements. This phenomenon was not seen in presump
tive wing region grafts older than stage 12-. Presumptive leg regions
grafted into host wings developed leg structures only, including pelvi
c girdle and leg digits. The pectoral girdle appears to be labile in e
arly stages, whereas the pelvic girdle is not labile even during early
stages. (C) 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.