Following studies of respiratory sensory functions during high-altitud
e adaptation, pain perception investigations were carried out on Europ
ean lowlanders during an expedition on the Bhrikuti peak, Himalaya (fi
rst ascent). Perception thresholds and discrimination performances of
electrical stimuli applied to the skin were determined with a constant
stimulus method. Additionally, Clark's Situational Pain Questionnaire
was used to measure discriminability and response bias of the subject
s' reports of pain. The tests were performed in the field under normox
ic conditions, before and after ascent, and under hypoxic conditions a
t altitudes of 3500 and 5600 m. The tests were also performed in a con
trol group under normoxic conditions and similar ambient temperatures.
Under normoxic conditions, the expedition group differed from the con
trol group and demonstrated a more stoic attitude and a lower pain thr
eshold. At high altitudes, pain thresholds decreased through improved
sensory discrimination performances. Hypoxia is supposed to be the mai
n cause of this sensory adaptive reaction to altitude as psychological
attitude remained unchanged and a decrease in ambient temperature was
without effect on pain perception in the control group. Increased dis
crimination in pain perception may be a component of a general improve
ment in sensory processing during the early stages of altitude acclima