In a paper to establish how different store ventilation systems affect
the population of tuber borne Erwinia, periodic reductions in tuber s
kin resistance occurred (Pringle & Robinson, 1996). To help understand
these changes, tuber skin resistance data was collected simultaneousl
y from two stores nearby. All reductions were due to condensation when
tubers were colder than the dew-point temperature of the surrounding
air. Warm humid air from newly harvested or sprouting potatoes below c
ondensed on the cooler surface tubers in naturally, but not periodical
ly forced ventilated? boxes. Condensation occurred in both naturally v
entilated and forced ventilated boxes when ambient air, under both fan
pressure or wind induced leakage, and with a dew-point temperature ab
ove that of the stored tubers, entered the store. Individual tubers in
trays, simulating the surface layer of boxes, received condensation w
hen Ventilation stopped. Warmer humid air from the rest of the crop co
ndensed on these preferentially cooled tubers.